Tillykke til Automester Espe

Tillykke til Automester Espe med deres nye vandpoleringskabine! Rengørings- og restaureringsopgaver løses nu på ingen tid. Bla. bremseåg renses på bare 20 sekunder! 😎
Slip for støv & kemi og få mere tid i dagligdagen. Kabinen er det ideelle redskab til autobranchen og mange forskellige industrier!
Vil i prøve kabinen før i køber? Så kan demobussen komme ud til jer. I kan selv prøve teknikken af på egne dele og blive overbevist 😎 Kontakt os uforpligtende!
📌 www.aquanife.com️/kontakt
📞 +45 40 34 13 25
✉️ st@aquanife.com
🇪🇺 EU distributør

Tillykke til Peugeot i Ålborg

Vil du også tage den nemme løsning, når det kommer til rensning af bremseåg?
Gør ligesom Peugeot i Ålborg og køb en AquaNife vandpoleringskabine 🤩 Kabinen kan benyttes til bla. restaurering af aludele og løbende rengøringsopgaver, som rensning af bremseåg – på bare 20 sekunder. Alt foregår uden støv og kemi 😎 Kabinen er også uundværlig i brancher og industrier, hvor der ønskes lynhurtig og grøn rengøring!
Vil i prøve kabinen før i køber? Så kan demobussen komme ud til jer. I kan selv prøve teknikken af på egne dele og blive overbevist 😎 Kontakt os uforpligtende!
📞 +45 40 34 13 25
✉️ st@aquanife.com
🇪🇺 EU distributør

NYHED hos AquaNife HTMR Supergun 😎

Nyhed hos AquaNife vandpolering, HTMR Supergun 🤩
AquaNife vandpolering er den mest effektive rengøringsmetode på markedet, og nu er det muligt at gøre den endnu mere effektiv og spare endnu mere tid!
Der er to måder at kunne øge effektiviteten af vandpoleringen, den ene er størrelsen på kompressoren og den anden er den pistol man benytter til vandpoleringen. Nu tilbyder AquaNife vandpolering tilkøb af en Supergun fra HTMR, hvilket er en super effektiv pistol der i nogle tilfælde kan halvere tiden det tager at vandpolere et emne og har en meget præcis stråle at vandpolere med. HTMRvSupergun findes i 3 udgaver med luftforbrug på henholdsvis 500-750-1000 L/min, alt efter kompressorstørrelse.
Så tøv ikke med at kontakte os til en uforpligtende samtale, om hvordan vi kan hjælpe jer, hvis i ønsker en mere grøn og støvfri hverdag hverdag med AquaNife vandpolering på + 45 40 34 13 25! Husk, at vi også køre rundt med demobussen til demonstration af kabiner på egne dele!

Smilet var stort hos Autosmeden da de fik leveret deres AquaNife kabine!

Smilet var stort hos Autosmeden, da de lige før nytår fik leveret deres nye AquaNife vandpoleringskabine 😎👍 Ikke nok med, at man med en AquaNife vandpoleringskabine får et mere grønt image, da alt omhandlede kabinerne foregår 100% miljøvenligt, så får man også et værktøj der lynhurtigt løser alle dagligdagens rengøringsopgaver, såsom at rense et bremseåg på bare 20 sekunder 🤩 AquaNife vandpolering fjerner ikke materiale fra delen eller ændre dens dimensioner, men kan fjerne næsten alle typer coating og alt efter hvilket medie der vælges at benytte i kabinen kan man få en finish der spænder fra fabriksny satin-finish til en mere grov finish der er perfekt til ny coating!
AquaNife vandpolering foregår ligeledes 100 støvfrit, så ønsker i at gøre noget godt for jeres forretning og medarbejdere, så kontakt os i dag til en uforpligtende snak om hvordan vi kan hjælpe jer på + 45 40 34 13 25 😉 Husk, at vi også kommer ud med demobussen så i kan se teknikken på egne dele.

Skud 2022 godt i gang med en AquaNife vandpoleringskabine

Så er 2022 skudt i gang, og hvilken bedre start på året end med en AquaNie vandpoleringskabine? 😎👍 Det har KF auto gjort, så stort tillykke til dem med deres nye yndlingsværktøj!
Med en vandpoleringskabine fra AquaNife kan i effektivisere og optimere jeres hverdag, da hverdagens rengørings- og restaureringsopgaver såsom bremseservice nu kan løses på ingen tid! Endvidere vil jeres arbejdsmiljø blive væsenligt forbedret, da en AquaNIfe vandpoleringskabine opererer 100% støvfrit, støjsvagt og uden kemi! Vi har forskellige kabiner i forskellige størrelser og prisklasser så alle behov kan dækkes, fra mindre simple kabiner til store fuldautomatiske kabiner.
Vi vejleder og inspirerer gerne til nye anvendelser af AquaNife vandpolering, så står du med en problematik du ønsker løst? Så kontakt os i dag til en uforpligtende snak på + 45 40 34 13 25, eller hvis du ønsker besøg af demobussen til demonstration af kabiner 😁

Congratulations to Automester Hjallerup with their new AquaNife cabin👍

Then the AquaNife car came past Automester Hjallerup, and they went delivered their new AquaNife water polishing cabin 😎👍 They can now look forward to solving everyday tasks, such as braking service and general cleaning tasks, easily as a game with their new favorite tool 😉They will soon discover that their new AquaNife water polishing cabin can be used for all kinds of tasks, and will be an indispensable tool!
AquaNife water polishing can be used with different media, depending on which finish is desired and what need it must meet! Results can be achieved completely from the brand new satin finish with a medium, where with another medium the cabin can remove different types of coatings such as powder coating etc. All this takes place 100% dust-free, quiet and environmentally friendly! This gives AquaNife water polishing endless application possibilities, so if you have a problem, or if you just want to optimize, contact us on + 45 40 34 13 25 for a non-committal chat, or if you want a visit by the demo bus!

New updated Neptune cabin!

Christmas is coming early this year, because you can already start and look forward to the next few weeks, as we at AquaNife will continuously present new and updated cabin models that are fully and partially automated water polishing cabins 👍
The first cabin we want to tell a little more about is a new Aquanife Neptun Prof water polishing cabin that has a lot of exciting new features, and it lands already next week! It is a large spacious cabin that measures 1.5 meters in width and has as many as 2 workstations! The cabin can therefore accommodate large items for water polishing, and the smart thing about this new model is that it has a rail system with swivel base that makes it possible to move heavy items in and out of the cabin.
Another huge advantage of this new model is that the cabin has a pneumatic upward door, so you do not have to calculate space around the cabin door opening.
So you work with big industrial topics, and want to make everyday life easier for yourself? Then the new Neptune cabin is for you! As always, everything is completely dust-free and environmentally friendly 👍
Feel free to contact us on + 45 40 34 13 25, if you want to hear more about the new cabin or want a visit of the demo bus for demonstration of cabins

AquaNife water polishing remove Power coating easily like nothing!

Wow, just see the difference in this antechamber cover after it has been a ride in through the AquaNife water polishing cabin 🤩 


The part was coated with power coating, but that is no problem for the AquaNife water polishing cabin, which easily and quickly got the part polished up and gave it a whole new look! Everything that takes place during the cleaning of the part in an AquaNife water polishing cabin is 100% environmentally friendly, and it takes place completely without any nuisance of dust or noise! This combined with the fact that the cabin is extremely efficient but does not remove material from the subject makes AquaNife water polishing the absolute first choice for all industries that work with cleaning of almost all types of surfaces, restoration and much much more! 


We are happy to come out with the demo bus and show the cabins so you can see how they work and try them out on your own parts! So contact us today on + 45 40 34 13 25 for a non-binding talk about how we can help you 😁👍


Remove welding marks with AquaNife

Missing in a great eco-friendly tool for removing weld marks? Then we have the solution for you 👍😁
Although we at AquaNife water polishing often say that the cabin is absolutely fantastic for things like brake service and ongoing cleaning tasks, the cabins can do much much more!
With the cabin, you can easily and quickly remove marks created during welding, and leave the item with a professional satin finish. During water polishing, no material is removed from the part and the dimensions of the parts remain intact 😎 So not only can you make your everyday life more efficient, but this lightning-fast cleaning method will also be extra popular with your employees, as they with an AquaNife water polishing cabin do not have to stand in the dust, everything is done 100% dust-free and quiet!
Contact us today on + 45 40 34 13 25 for a non-binding talk about how we can help you, or if you want a visit from the demo bus 👍

AquaNife on a visit to Bornholm 👍

Then AquaNife has returned to Funen, after a couple of wonderful days on Bornholm, where we were received fantastically well. 😊
We were around with the demo bus and were shown water polishing cabins in long lanes, and already now there are some lucky ones who have had their new AquaNife water polishing cabin installed and set up, and they can look forward to, among other things, being able to clean brake yokes in just 20 seconds😎
One of the great advantages of AquaNife water polishing cabins is that you get a highly efficient tool for restoration and cleaning of various parts and components, completely without compromising on the environment, everything about our cabins is 100% environmentally friendly, dust-free and quiet !
We agree AquaNife water polishing sounds too good to be true! So see it with your own eyes and book a visit of the demo bus on + 45 40 34 13 25, or contact us for a non-committal chat if you have any questions!

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5450  Otterup

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